Juxtaposer FAQ

These are some of the questions other users have frequently asked. You can contact me at the bottom of this page if you don't see your particular question listed here.

If you want to remove the images that are currently loaded in the app, simply start a new session to replace the current one. To do so, open the menu using the top left toolbar button, then tap on “Start new session” and choose two different images to load.

If you saved the edited image to the Camera Roll and want to delete it again, find and open the image in Apple’s Photos app and then tap the little trash can icon to delete it.

If you previously saved your editing session, you can delete it by opening the menu, selecting “Load saved session” and then tapping on the “Edit” button at the top right of the screen. This produces red (x) icons on the left of the saved sessions which allow you to delete any of them.

Juxtaposer allows you to combine elements from more than two images. You can choose "Add new top image" from the menu to load a third image on top of your two current images. However doing so combines the previous two images into a single image that then becomes the new bottom image. This means that afterwards you can no longer switch back to erase parts of the previous top image or reposition it.

If necessary you could tap the 'undo' button repeatedly to go back to before you added the third image. If you already did some work on the third image (carefully erasing parts of it) that you would be sad to lose, you could first save it as a 'stamp', then undo to before you loaded that image, make your changes to the previous top image, and afterwards re-add the saved stamp as top image.

It is best though to plan ahead and take into account that whenever you add another top image, you are locking in the state of your current image composition below.

There are other apps that offer full multi-layer support, allowing you to go back to edit any image in a stack. But that makes those apps necessarily more complex. For Juxtaposer I consciously decided not to go down this path in order to keep the app simple and easy to learn and use.

A stamp is a masked top image (possibly with image adjustments applied) that you saved for reuse in future projects.

Say you have an image of a fruit bowl as the top image, and you carefully cut out an apple by erasing the rest of the image. Then you could save this isolated apple as a ’stamp’ and later use it in new projects by loading it from your stamp collection as the top image.

The Stamp Manager contains your collection of saved stamps and additionally has a button for saving your current top image as a stamp to your collection. When selecting a saved stamp from your collection, you can load it into your current project either on top of your current top image, or replacing it.

You can also export a selected stamp via email or Dropbox to import it into the stamp collection on a different device. Finally you can save a stamp as a partially transparent PNG image to your photo library for possible use in other apps.

If you are backing up your iOS device to either iCloud or your computer, your stamps and sessions will be backed up along with all your other data.

Additionally you can manually copy your stamps and/or sessions from your iOS device to your computer via iTunes File Sharing. This can be useful as an additional backup, but also to copy your stamps to a different device, for example from your iPhone to your iPad.

You can also export individual stamps from the Stamp Manager within the app via email or Dropbox. Opening the exported file on a new device will open Juxtaposer and import the stamp into your stamp library on that device.

Sorry, no.

Juxtaposer's development team is currently just one person, me.

I am focused on making the absolutely best iOS apps I can and at this point have no plans to expand to other platforms.

If you have a question that isn't listed above, or if you have a feature request or other feedback